If you’re a mom of a baby, you never leave home without diapers. As a young child, you never leave home without that special stuffed animal that’s been loved so much it barely resembles its former self. If you live in the 21st century, you never leave home without your cell phone.
For many of us, there’s something that’s so important to us, it’s like a fifth appendage – we almost can’t function without it. Seasoned Airstreamers all have that one thing. Ask any of them and almost without thinking they will tell you they never leave home in their Airstream without …..fill in the blank.
If you’re getting ready for your maiden voyage in your Airstream, or taking on the quest to conquer the final few states you’ve yet to see – seasoned or newbie –take some advice from these Airstreamers when you’re packing for your next trip.
On the road four to five months a year, Chuck and Janet Zellermayer of Wisconsin own a 2012, 28-foot Flying Cloud and a 1966, 26-foot Overlander and no matter which Airstream they are in, they always take their Weber Q Grill.
“We do a lot of chicken on it,” Chuck said. “She’s the inside chef and I’m the outside chef,” he said referring to his wife Janet. “It’s a great little grill.”
Paul and Lynda Schuepp call Jackson, New Hampshire home and spend two to three weeks during the summer months in their 1953, 21-foot Flying Cloud and they wouldn’t leave home without their Scripto lighter.

“I need it to light my gas stove, but it’s good for all kinds of other things too,” Paul said.
Work gloves and knee pads, that’s what John and Lori Bibby never leave home in their Airstream without. The two are from Sacramento, California and head out exploring in their Flying Cloud 23CB at least once a month.
“Decent gloves with a nylon grip – they are great for connecting hoses and keep your hands clean – nothing fancy, about $10 a pair,” John said. “And knee pads because you never know where you’re going to land, could be gravel or cement.”
Solo stream sister Erin Jacobs, from Chicago, Illinois, uses her 27-foot Globetrotter as a mobile office. She calls it her “Fifth Avenue on four wheels” and says she got tired of staying in hotels traveling the country as a cyber security specialist. She’s traveled 13,000 miles since January and wouldn’t go anywhere without her X Chock.
Erin says it’s far better than the push-in chocks and keeps the trailer secure front to back and “all you need is a crescent wrench, no fancy tools” to install.

Twenty weeks a year, Eddy and Lilian Lloyd travel with their son, Christopher who has special needs, and his service dog in their 30-foot Flying Cloud. They are from Ontario, Canada and Lilian wouldn’t leave home without her air fryer.
“It cooks everything and cleanup is a breeze,” Lilian said.
Owners of a winery in Canada, Jennifer Baldini and Paul Gallagher wouldn’t be caught in their Airstream without a bottle opener. Their 1997, 34-foot Classic is home to plenty of impromptu happy hours with wine and hors d’oervres as they use their home away from home to see parts of Ontario they’d never been to before becoming Airstream owners.
Retired part-timers Lesley Stewart and Leanne Jones spend two to three months a year in their Basecamp and wouldn’t go anywhere without a toolkit.
“It’s nothing fancy, just a screwdriver set, socket set, rubber mallet and a few other items, but we’ve helped so many people out who don’t have a tool for a job they need to do.” Lesley said.
Choosing between their solar panels and composting toilet, John and Carole Leezer settled on the composting toilet as the one thing they’d always be sure to have in their Airstream. They call Austin, Texas home but are full time Airstreamers in their 2012, 30-foot Classic.
“The black tank is gross,” Carole said. “I don’t know why more people don’t do it.”
Rhonda Coleman calls Bend, Oregon home and never takes off in her Interstate without martini olives already soaked in vermouth. “It helps with packing, so you only have to bring one bottle,” she said.
Pat Cahalan says you never leave home in your Airstream without your “wife and cat,” and whether he was joking or serious his 27-foot Safari not only always has his traveling companions in it, he also swears by his Berkey water filter.
“No matter where you are, you never have to buy bottled water,” said this Clarksdale, Mississippi native.
New to life on the road, the health conscious ballet duo of Shari and Todd Allen always travel with their VitaMix when they are out in their Basecamp.
“We like to eat healthy,” Shari said. “We only buy organic fruits and vegetables and we don’t eat fast food, or eat out a lot. The Airstream enables us to continue our healthy lifestyle.”
Hobby musicians Dave and AnnMarie McKeever of Delaware always travel with a guitar and ukulele when they are on the road in their 2005 25-foot Classic that they bought because, “we loved tent camping, but got too old to sleep in the mud.”
The two can be found around a campfire making music and friends as people emerge from their trailers to join the fun.
“It’s just hobby music,” Dave said.
“Because he’d never make a living doing it,” AnnMarie added with a smile.
When your itinerary is set, the gas tank is full, lists are checked off, the bags are packed and you’re backing out of the driveway, don’t forget that one thing – the item you just can’t live without when you’re on the road in your Airstream.
Find the perfect Airstream gear, apparel, tools, and more at Airstream Supply Company. From the Weber Grill to lighting accessories, you could find your next essential item for every trip.