Watch part I of Ask an Airstreamer: Winterizing. Depending on where you live or travel, winter weather can always be right around the corner. Learn how to prepare an Airstream for freezing temperatures by understanding the plumbing system and beyond.

Winterizing Your Airstream
Fully winterize every system in your Airstream
Whether you adventure year-round or put your Airstream in hibernation for the coldest season, you need to prep your Airstream for the plunging temperatures ahead — and all that comes with them.

Ask an Airstreamer: How, When, and Why to Winterize

How to Winterize a Travel Trailer
Learn the process of winterization with our comprehensive guide on how to winterize your Airstream travel trailer.

How to Winterize a Touring Coach
If you aren’t a four-season traveler, or you live in a colder climate during the winter months, preparing your Airstream Class B for winter is an important step.